Plastic Free July Refill Challenge!
This challenge leads up to a STORE-WIDE SALE on August 3rd, the number of swaps made determines how BIG the discount is!

Here's How it Works
🌱 Ditch Plastic Bottles: Every time you swap a plastic bottle for a refill or concentrate during Plastic Free July , we'll track it.
💸 Earn Bigger Discounts: The more swaps everyone makes, the bigger the discounts for everyone on Saturday, August 3rd!
🌎 Invite Your Friends: The more, the merrier! Encourage your friends to join the challenge too. The more people participating, the bigger the discounts for everyone!

What Counts As a Refill?
1) Every container refilled from our (re)fill station.
2) Each product in our Concentrate Collection. Traditionally encased in plastic, these clever items are waterless concentrates—no plastic containers needed!