Plastic Free July Refill Challenge!

This challenge leads up to a STORE-WIDE SALE on August 3rd, the number of swaps made determines how BIG the discount is!

Tangie LLC - Packaged Laundry Concentrate by Tangie. Natural & Zero Waste Tangie LLC

Here's How it Works

🌱 Ditch Plastic Bottles: Every time you swap a plastic bottle for a refill or concentrate during Plastic Free July , we'll track it.

💸 Earn Bigger Discounts: The more swaps everyone makes, the bigger the discounts for everyone on Saturday, August 3rd!

🌎 Invite Your Friends: The more, the merrier! Encourage your friends to join the challenge too. The more people participating, the bigger the discounts for everyone! 

See (re)Fill Station
HiBAR - HiBAR Soothe Shampoo Bar HiBAR

What Counts As a Refill?

1) Every container refilled from our (re)fill station.

2) Each product in our Concentrate Collection. Traditionally encased in plastic, these clever items are waterless concentrates—no plastic containers needed!

Shop The Concentrate Collection